Family Crisis Services

Helping Families in Need

When addressing a family crisis, the goal is to protect positive family connections. At O’Connor Professional Group, we take a unique approach that prioritizes evaluating concerning behaviors and strategizing the least intrusive way to manage them.

While interventions may seem like the “go-to solution”, they can often have severe and traumatic consequences for family systems. We use a range of solutions to depend on factors such as age, life stage, previous efforts, risk level, and family system disruption.


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All families “have something”, this commonly quoted phrase reflects the high incidence rates of behavioral health, developmental and cognitive issues that arise across generations. To maximize the chances of successful recovery, families and their support team members (ex. financial and legal advisors) will require professional guidance. A family crisis can be the result of the turmoil created when one or more members of the family are:

  • Misusing substances such as alcohol or other recreational drugs
  • Abusing prescription medications
  • Spending or gambling compulsively to the detriment of others and their financial well-being
  • Struggling with a mental health issue such as depression, anxiety, bi-polar or other mood, thought or process disorders
  • Exhibiting symptoms of cognitive decline
  • Demonstrating signs of an eating disorder and/or problematic relationship with food
  • Refusing to attend school or engage in other productive activities
  • Participating in an abusive relationship and or affiliating with a cult association
Family Crisis Services Include:

Family coaching with willing members of a family

  • Situation: Parents, siblings, or other family members are interested in strategizing approaches and messaging to a loved one
  • Benefit: Family has the opportunity to air concerns in a constructive format and develop a unified message

Professionally facilitated whole family meetings with specific outcome goals

  • Situation: When a struggling member is willing to participate in a family solution that addresses the concerning behavior
  • Benefit: Allows family to have a voice and support a struggling member in a healthy way

Professionally facilitated meetings between individual members

  • Situation: Members of a family locked in conflict or a destructive dynamic
  • Benefit: Members have an opportunity to listen to the other and express their perception of a conflict or pattern to arrive at a common goal or direction

Customized interventions for families facing crisis situations

  • Situation: A family member is engaging in life-threatening behavior, and other family members unify to deliver a message of support with a prearranged plan
  • Benefit: Addresses an issue on a rapid timetable and provides a concrete step towards recovery
Shot of a multi-generational family walking together on a farm stock photo

What Differentiates Us?

Client‐Centered Services: Our behavioral health services are designed to accommodate a wide range of family and individual needs. We tailor services to meet clients’ clinical profiles and logistical preferences (i.e. frequency and type of services, geographical considerations). We value the need for discretion and can offer in-home options. Our administrative support team ensures a smooth customer experience.

Diverse, High‐Quality Team: Our team is comprised of experts with in-depth knowledge of a range of behavioral health issues. Clients are matched to staff members based on their preferences and our multidisciplinary team ensures that the holistic needs of clients are met.

Broad Network: O’Connor Professional Group maintains an extensive network of professionals across the country. If we need a recommendation or support for services in a new geographic region, we have a team of individuals available to us.

Strong Supervision: Staff members at OPG receive clinical training and individual supervision and have regular phone and in-person reviews of their cases to ensure high-quality care.

Connect With Our Team

Connect with our committed team of experts for actionable solutions to address your family’s needs. We understand that difficult situations may arise, and we are dedicated to providing direction and support to you and your loved ones during these challenging times. Contact us today to explore how we can support your family.

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