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Diana Clark

Diana Clark


Diana Clark, JD, MA., is OPG’s President. She is a renowned family recovery advocate in the field of addiction and mental health treatment. With a Master’s Degree in Psychology from Antioch New England Graduate School in 1997, Diana has been aiding families during times of turmoil for over 20 years. Prior to her work in the mental health field, Diana was a practicing labor and employment attorney advising employers in the implementation of clear and compassionate policies. As a specialist in both family systems and parenting, Diana is a recognized force of clear speech, logic and loving acceptance, and has helped thousands of family members establish healthy boundaries, manage expectations appropriately, and develop plans for their families. Diana has developed and facilitated numerous workshops for families and professionals and is also the author of the book: Addiction Recovery: A Family’s Journey, which offers guidance for family members of those struggling with substance use disorders and mental health concerns.

Diana Clark