What is a Sober Coach?

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If you or a loved one have recently decided to embark on the path of sobriety, you may be wondering what resources are available to help you reach your goals. One such resource that can provide invaluable support and guidance is a sober coach. But what exactly is a sober coach? Let’s take a closer look at the role of a sober coach and how having one in your corner can benefit your sobriety journey. 

What Does A Sober Coach Do? 

A sober coach helps individuals struggling with addiction work through their issues and develop healthy habits. They focus on helping individuals improve their overall quality of life by providing both emotional and practical support. This includes helping them establish new routines, maintain accountability for their recovery, and even attend meetings or therapy sessions if necessary. A sober coach will also provide advice on how an individual can improve their current lifestyle to make it more conducive to sobriety. They may also help them identify potential triggers or relapse risks and come up with strategies for avoiding those situations. 

The Benefits Of Having A Sober Coach 

Having the right level of support during recovery is essential and having a sober coach in your corner can be incredibly beneficial during this process. Here are just some of the benefits that having a sober coach can bring: 

  • Accountability – Having someone who not only understands but supports your goal of achieving sobriety can be incredibly helpful when it comes to staying accountable for your progress. It’s much easier to stay motivated when there’s someone else cheering you on!  
  • More Motivation – A sober coach can help keep you motivated by providing encouragement and advice when things get tough or challenging situations arise. This extra motivation can make all the difference in getting through difficult times without resorting to drugs or alcohol as an escape route.   
  • Improved Quality Of Life – Sobriety should always be about improving your quality of life, not simply avoiding substance use. Your sober coach will work with you to identify areas where improvements need to be made so that you can start feeling better about yourself and the decisions you make while on the road to recovery. 

Having a dedicated person in your corner when striving towards sobriety is invaluable — especially if they know exactly how to help keep you accountable and motivated throughout this process. With a qualified, experienced sober coach guiding you along, achieving lasting sobriety becomes much more attainable — so don’t hesitate to take advantage of this invaluable resource! By understanding what being a part of the journey entails, patients have greater clarity over whether they would like assistance from a professional trainer who specializes in recovering from addiction problems or not . Choosing whether or not hiring a professional trainer is ultimately up to the patient but knowing its importance could lead them down an effective path towards recovery!

Some sober coach features of our program include:

  • Available nationally and internationally in a timely manner
  • Able to fulfill short and long-term assignments
  • Skilled at navigating high-risk situations and troubleshooting client crises
  • Knowledgeable professionals with strong abilities in developing therapeutic alliance
  • Supported by administrative infrastructure to allow for smooth logistical planning, appropriate service coordination and client safety
  • Trained and supervised closely by OPG clinical team
  • Collaborative with multidisciplinary teams
  • Matched to fit a range of client clinical needs, personality profiles and interests.

Learn more about OPG’s sober companion services.

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Learn more about how OPG can help.

OPG services are not covered by insurance.